New Radioboss feature works great...but with some weirdness in Spinitron

RadioBoss . like so many others saves playlists as .m3u8 files. We all know the problem with those files, if you forget and make a playlist ahead of time with local files (say on your laptop), it won’t play on the on-air copy as it won’t know how to find the files. Recently, RadioBoss added a feature that solves the problem by rendering the playlist to a file, which is completely standalone. Added bonus, when you play the file in RadioBoss all the meta tags are there and as each song plays the usual stuff transfers to Spinitron. It’s great except for a couple of things I haven’t figured a way around yet.

  • The duration of each song is the length of the whole file. (timestamps are correct)
  • The usual trick to keep the file out of the log (don’t fill in the artist field) doesn’t seem to work.
  • It creates 2 Spinitron show entries, one with only one entry (the whole file), and the second one with the same full show entry and then all the songs within the file.
  • Don’t know if this is a clue but RadioBoss also creates a .cue file. Doesn’t seem to make any difference if I keep that file or not. Curious if you have ever seen this behaviour before
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Hi Arbie!

Looks like good sleuthing there. Interoperability is … complicated.

Did you see the announcement about MetaRadio?