If I have two playlists (one set in the future and one that spinitron will pick up during the show) how can I set it so that the one in the future will be able to pick up the timestamps when the show starts? In other words, can spinitron continue off of the playlist that you have created a few hours before the show and just insert timestamps?
Since I’m not sure I understand what your asking, please let me know if this answer helps.
KCSB uses Spinitron’s automatic music recognition feature. If your future playlist has the right start date/time and duration then Spinitron will automatically use it to log recognized songs. There’s nothing else you need to set to make this happen. It’s Spinitron’s normal behavior.
But it doesn’t “just insert timestamps”. It inserts whole spins, each with timestamp, artist, title, release, label, cover art etc. Spinitron isn’t able to match a recognition against the spins already in existing playlists, estimate degrees of correspondence, choose the best match and update its timestamp.
When Spinitron has a new recognition, it finds an existing playlist (or creates one if needed) and inserts the recognized song into that playlist ignoring any spins already in the playlist.
I’ve had the same problem. Now, I just wait for the show to air then delete that playlist, and then go back in my archive and post the rebroadcast. Spinitron’s good about making the substitution for two week playback purposes on the “Home” page. It’s less good about listing those rebroadcasts under “Schedule”/“View”. Hope that helps.
Hi Tom - no, not at this time. If you’re seeing something odd going on under my public calendar view - like nothing to see there - or if I asked a now forgotten question - that’s because I re-broadcast a lot of shows. And I have extensive notes to each song, which I want to republish. So I delete the newly posted Spinitron listing for that day from the calendar view, where I can (I can’t on the home page), and then republish my Spinitron from the home page list to take its place. But when I re-broadcast/ republish, it doesn’t show back up again in the Calendar view. Fortunately, the Facebook link goes to the re-broadcast, and that plays the livestream. It would be nice to have those re-broadcasts available on the calendar/schedule pages too. But I’m managing.
It should. Next time this happens, double check the date and time of the rebroadcasted playlist. If those are correct and it’s still not visible in the public calendar then give me the playlist URL and I’ll take a look.