I host a show on community radio WCUW in Worcester, MA, called “Seeds & Stems” in which I’m hoping to research and recount the entire story of American roots music in a series of weekly, 3 hour shows. It’s a retirement project. I should live so long. It’s for hardcore oldies nerds, and I take full advantage of Spinitron’s “song notes” feature. I’m also a co-founder of the Worcester Hot Club, again for geeks. And I teach assorted music history courses for the Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE). Before I began this new career in retirement, I taught other things entirely for the University Without Walls (UWW) at UMass-Amherst. And played a lot of basketball. And built a book and record library I’m proud of. And a family, likewise. Oh - and I whistle. A lot. Nice to be here!