As of the first of this year two of my weekly shows have not been been picked up in spinitron archive on WBCR LP. The two shows were both ones where I had live interviews with musicians and I didn’t play recorded music until deep into the show (not sure if that matters). Any recommendations???
Hi Tom, thanks for joining the forum.
Can you tell me the date and time of the missing recordings?
It was Feb 5 7-8pm eastern. Thx for reply.
There was a network outage at the hosting company where we rent the hardware for the archive server at that time. If affected the archive for WBCR LP such that there was no recording from 9pm until 11:32pm. You can see the outage clearly on this status monitoring page Ark audio availability WBCR-LP
It’s unfortunate and I’m sorry your show was affected. If a reason emerges to believe that the reliability of the hosting service is inadequate then we’ll look into moving it.
Thank you for looking into it.