Spinitron is Down!

Help! We Can’t Log in!

Hi @Amanda_Shauger It’s back up now.

There was an issue with our service provider for the web/database servers. It’s resolved now, afaict. What a relief. That was very stressful.

We sincerely apologize for the interruption in service.

It’s not your fault that our provider for dedicated servers isn’t reliable so it’s a bit lame to complain about it here. Nevertheless I am very angry and need to vent. This was so screwed up that I think we need to move to another service provider. And that makes me very angry too because it’s a lot of work that brings no new features or enhancements to Spinitron.

Argh, that really sucks, I hear you Tom. As our Operations Director at KXCI I am constantly fielding “it doesn’t work” on any number of services that I ultimately don’t have control over…phone, swamp cooler, IT, etc. You have made Spinitron into an incredibly useful service for DJS and listeners that is reliable 99.99 percent of the time.

Thanks for the encouragement, Amanda. It’s welcome on a bad day.