Schedule a show of multiple durations

Hello, new Spinitron admin here from WVKR!

We have a show on our schedule that runs for two hours on Wednesday and then three hours on Sunday, and as far as I can tell that’s impossible to program by adding new timeslots to a single show—it locks you into a single duration. What’s the best way around this? Should I just make a duplicate show entry that runs for three hours on Saturday, or is this a functionality that already exists/will be added soon?

What we’ve done is define the show as 1 hour long and schedule it back-to-back to get the 2 and 3 hour durations. It looks a bit sloppy in the calendar view, but will keep the playlists associated with one show.

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Smart — I’ve implemented that for now, but I don’t like that there are now multiple separate playlists for a single show time. Hopefully we’ll see that fixed in the future. Thanks!

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Depends on what kind of situation you have and how you like to market it. If the weekend show is a repeat of the Wednesday show you might want to consider the extra hour as the “weekend bonus hour” This would make it easier to use the rebroadcast button to transfer the logs. On the other hand, I have two blues shows that are the same length and the same host, but one is late night and one is mid-day. So “Blues at Night” and Blues before Brunch". Marketing… Two separate listings. Spinitron is less concerned with the show name and more about getting the logs right. But the reports are flexible enough that a host could have any number of shows in a week and you could pull all their lists together.

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