I do basically the same show on 3 different Spinitron reporting stations. Is there a way to copy the playlist and add it to the other stations? Thanks
What do you mean? Same statations?
Hi @JHZolitor , thanks for joining the forum.
I assume you have one email/password to log in to Spinitron and switch persona/station in the top-right menu (same menu that Log out is in).
After you created your playlist, click its Export/email link. Choose Format = TSV and Deliver = Copy-paste. Check the boxes shown plus any Song or Release fields you use. Click the green Display button and leave this window/tab open.
In another browser window, open Spinitron and switch station/persona to where you want this playlist. Create the playlist as usual. In the playlist worksheet, click the Import link.
Now copy-paste all the data from the window/tab you left open into the Text box on the Import form and click the Process button. Next you need to arrange the columns for import.
Spinitron remembers your choices in both export and import forms so the process is pretty slick next time you do it.