Is there a way to edit ACR playlists?


New user in test mode here. We’re testing out using ACRCloud on a weekly music show & we have two weeks worth of data on a weekly two-hour music program. Both playlists are missing the first song of each program. One program is also missing the last song while another program has two additional songs added after the last song of the program has played.

Is there a way to edit the automated playlist to add and/or remove songs after the fact so the playlist is 100% accurate?


Chris S.

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Hi Chris, thanks for joining the forum.

Playlist editing is the same no matter how the spins got into playlists:

  • manual entry with the form
  • import
  • automation
  • ACRCloud recognition

You can enter new spins and delete existing ones, change timestamps and other particulars.

This video may help get you started.

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