How Do I Edit A Previous Playlist

Yesterday, I did my first show using Spinitron. However, there were four songs it didnā€™t recognize and one that listed the wrong artist. How can I update my playlist so I can add in the four missing songs as well as correct one of the entries?

No matter how many times I try watching the videos, nothing works for me. Jeff Hofman KSER 90.7 FM Everett WA

You can edit any playlist (future, on-air, or past) just by opening it. An admin or editor user can open any playlist. Everyone else can open only a playlist they own.

Go to Playlist: Browse in the menu, find the playlist to edit, and click the pencil button.

This is demonstrated 9 Ways video (3 min).

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Thank you Eva, I think Iā€™ve figured out the issues I was having. I was able to create some playlists for future shows and there it letā€™s me make editions and updates so Iā€™m good.


Thanks. I also have the same issue. I tried your way here and it seems to work.

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ā€œBrowse in the menu, find the playlist to editā€ sounds perfectly clear. But what ā€œmenuā€ are we referring to? I donā€™t see any such menu. Where should I be looking for it?

Hi @BrazilNut

Take a look at the video above starting at 2:20.

But again - ā€œI can also open the playlist by choosing ā€˜browseā€™ from the playlist menuā€. Great, again simple enough butā€¦ what playlist menu? Where is that? How are you getting it? Where does it come from?

The procedure I understand; what Iā€™m unclear on, is the starting point. The only ā€œplaylistā€ tab I see, sends me right back to this forum.

As it was shown in the video, the Playlist menu is in the top navigation menu bar. To review:

Log in to Spinitron and at the top of the page youā€™ll see a back bar that looks like the one here. It has the SPINITRON logo and to the right of that is the word Playlist.

  1. Click that word Playlist. A menu of two or more items appears.
  2. Click on the word Browse.

Sorry Tom, I cannot find that bar. The bar I get says ā€œSearch / Chart / About / Forumā€. If I could get to that bar I could proceed but I donā€™t know where it is. The only place I can find a ā€œPlaylistsā€ tab is on the list of forum topics, which is where we already are.

Sorry, obviously Iā€™m new at this, and lost.

@BrazilNut I am equally lost as to what to suggest next. I donā€™t know why you cannot see the Playlist menu. I suggest you try to find someone at your station that can help you.

The Playlist menu is not available unless you have logged in.

I am logged in. I could not post here otherwise.

Being logged in to this chat forum is not the same as being logged in to a station in Spinitron. They are separate systems and the logins are not connected.

Okay I guess I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing. One of the stations that carry my show does create Spinitron playlists, which is what Iā€™d like to correct if possible. But when I try to sign up on that level, after identifying the station, I get ā€œThe feature to start a free trial using this form is disabled for nowā€ and a dead end. Donā€™t know where to go next. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ Really not intending to be a PITA here, itā€™s just not clear at all what to do.

I watched the video and searched this forum for an answer to this question: How do I insert a new track into a live playlist during my show, or into my playlist after the show, or for that matter, if I create a playlist prior to my show?

The edit (pencil) icon allows me to correct a typo or misinformation in an existing track. But I donā€™t see a way to insert a new track. Nor can I see a way to reorder the tracks if that need were to arise.

Many thanks for any guidance.

Hi @JD_Esquire Thanks for joining the forum.

The second post in this topic has the tutorial video for how to create a new playlist or re-open an existing one.

The following video shows how to enter spins into playlists using the form.